
Blog: Upcoming Items, News, & Ideas

Miss You Mug

Posted by on Dec 14, 2016 in Blogs Ideas News | 0 comments

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Clearance section & non-custom things section

Posted by on Apr 21, 2016 in Blogs Ideas News | 0 comments

Hello everyone, :D So I am thinking about opening a section for Clearance item things, to help clear out inventory. And possibly do a non-custom section, as in things that are RTS and not adding anything custom on them in this section. What do you think?  I may try this out for a while and see how you guys all like it, if not alot of movement then I will take it down :).   ~KB

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Looking good

Posted by on Mar 2, 2016 in Blogs Ideas News | 0 comments

So I have been busy designing new items and slowly adding them to the site :) So far the site is doing fairly well, thank you to everyone that has placed an order, I will get those products out within the next day.  :) Typically speaking most items get made/designed and shipped within 1-3 days.  I am still looking into internationally shipping, however it is not as easy as I was hoping, and without changing all my shipping I can’t just click a button for it to work :/ but I am still working on it, if there is an international order...

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Working on adding international shipping

Posted by on Feb 25, 2016 in Blogs Ideas News | 0 comments

I am in the process of going thru everything and making trying to price international shipping for all my customers outside of the USA.  If you are wanting to place an order outside the USA, you will need to contact me to get a price first, as adding it is going to take a bit of time, but hey it is in the works :)   ~KB

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Working on issues on the website

Posted by on Feb 4, 2016 in Blogs Ideas News | 0 comments

So been working on fixing some issues with sizing on the website, did an update, and now none of the sizing is showing up on your end, if the order is placed it is showing up in the cart and in the order ;/ just not on the product page, I know quite confusing, however I am under way getting this fixed on all the products. And yes I am still working on bringing out my new products and designs.  I am also thinking of changing the entire look of the website, just not sure yet ;).  So if you happen to see the outlook change a bit and then change...

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Been working on some new ideas

Posted by on Jan 7, 2016 in Blogs Ideas News | 0 comments

Its been a busy 2015, and with the new year comes new products :).  I have quite a few new items, I can not wait to release.  One of them will be sparkly :)  I have been really wanting to customizing things in Rhinestones, but with everything else going on, I just was to busy to sit down and play. Well the time has come, I have a bit of time to reamp the website, and introduce some pretty designs and products with my stones :)  I am to excited….   Let me know in the comments, what things you would like to see more of...

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Surgery done, working on updating products.

Posted by on Aug 23, 2015 in Blogs Ideas News | 0 comments

Hello All I’m sorry it is taking me so long to update everyone. I just got out of surgery on the 10th of August and will be having my husband and my little assistant helping me every night with orders, as my right rotator cuff has three screws and around twenty four stitches in it, making my right arm completely useless. However, with the help of my husband and daghter they will be doing the orders every night, my processing time will be extended to around 1-3 weeks. This will be giving me the opportunity to be updating the website and...

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Update on re-opening

Posted by on May 19, 2014 in Blogs Ideas News | 0 comments

Hello all, I am pleased to let you all know that we did get back to the USA safely, and are closing on a house next month, so I should be able to re-open and start taking orders, by July.  I have tons of idea’s and new products to offer, plus shipping methods will also be changing a bit, so if we need to ship out overnight or 2nd day :) I will keep you all posted.  Thank you all for your support, during this. ~KB

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Updates and ideas

Posted by on Jan 22, 2014 in Blogs Ideas News | 0 comments

Hello, SO I am hoping that by the beginning of Feb, I will be able to do some Rhinestone Aprons, and get them posted.  I have had some really great ideas, on doing some M&M trash cans, you should see those in the next few days :). ~KB

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